Comic Con Thursday: WCW Champ, Scott Steiner, more inside the con


Thursday was the first full day and evening at Comic Con and it didn’t disappoint.

There is always something to see and do including panels, presentations, celebrity autograph signings, sneak previews of motion pictures and television shows, comic book artists, free giveaways, and more both inside the con and in The Gaslight District across the street..

Cosplayers were at the con in full force with some amazing costumes and likenesses from popular comics, television, and film.

Check out what was going on Thursday at the con.


WCW Wrestling Champion, Scott Steiner was in the autograph pavilion to meet with fans



It’s the MTV Moon Man!


Excellent Cosplayers!


The Lego Booth was always mobbed


Eddie Munster himself, actor, Butch Patrick was at the Profiles in History booth signing and meeting fans


Let’s give a shout out to to the Cosplayers in training!


What great costumes!


The Mattel booth was just as crowded and nutty as Lego’s booth


Funko’s line was overflowing with eager collectors waiting to buy cool con exclusives




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