Preview night at Comic Con was packed with excited fans and things to check out.
Auction House, Profiles in Historyhad a booth packed with original props & costumes, including items from The Warner Brothers Archives, James Bonds’ (Sean Connery) Walter PPK, the original sub from “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea”, “Star Wars Blasters“, items from the orginal Star Trek television series, and much more. Be sure to visit Profiles Booth #1605 (or their Facebook and Twitter pages if you are not at the show) for a chance to win lots of cool swag including, VIP tickets to the Warner Archives and an IPad Mini every day! Here are a few samples of what Profiles has at their booth. More photos tomorrow!
The Prop Store of Londons’ (Booth #3645), has some impressive items as well including stop motion puppets, Star Wars items, Sly Stallone’s “Judge Dredd’s costume, items from Alien and Aliens, Superman 2, Army of Darkness, and more.
The Propstore of London
Check back daily for more updated photos from Profiles in History, Prop Store, and more, along with interviews more photos and a few surprises.