Mondo Con in Austin Texas next weekend, Sept 20th & 21st. A few tickets still left!

What’s Mondo?

Mondo is a company formed in 2004, as Mondo Tees, a T-shirt shop started by Tim League, the founder and chief executive of Alamo Drafthouse  in Austin, Texas. Mondo and various well known, respected, and eclectic artists create limited edition, screen printed posters of your favorite classic and contemporary films, in addition to vinyl, movie soundtracks, VHS re-issues, apparel, and soon a cool line of toys and action figures. They have a permanent gallery space in Austin, TX featuring a mix of original artwork and limited edition screen prints.


What is is Mondo-Con?

Mondo-Con is a celebration of movies, art, comics, music, toys ,and food. It’s taking place in Austin Texas next weekend , September 20th and the 21st at the Marchesa, 6226 Middle Fiskville Rd, Austin Texas. The con will feature artists, companies, food, movie trailers, special panels, and multiple artists and guests.


Below is the schedule for the exciting 2 day event courtesy of Mondo Con!:

Saturday: 9/20

11:00am – 11:50am

12:10pm – 1:00pm

1:20pm – 3:00pm

7:00pm – 9:00pm

9:30pm – 11:59pm
Sunday: 9/21
12:00pm – 1:00pm

1:20pm – 2:10pm

2:30pm – 3:45pm


This is the inaugural launch of everything Mondo so be sure to pick up the few Sunday and Saturday tickets still available HERE.

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